Doing Business
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Accessing Collocation
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Remote Collocation
Collocation Arrangements
Equipment, Real Estate and Installation Reqs
Types of Collocation Arrangements
Verizon East
Get an in-depth understanding of Verizon's wide range of traditional, ancillary and remote collocation arrangements.

Types of Collocation Arrangements
Switch Region: East West

Physical Collocation
Dedicated space within central office. Physical collocation supports interconnection to voice grade, digital and optical transmission rates.

Secured Collocation Open Physical Environment (SCOPE)
Place own equipment in central office in as little as one equipment bay.

Cageless Collocation Open Environment (CCOE)
Place own equipment in Verizon conditioned space.

Virtual Collocation
Interconnect to Verizon services or UNEs without physical access to a central office.

Shared Collocation
Share a single collocation node with another CLEC.

Adjacent Structures
Construct or acquire a structure on Verizon property when space is not available in a Verizon central office.

Assembly Products (NY Only)
Alternatives to physical and virtual collocation for the purposes of facilitating a CLEC's ability to combine unbundled loops and line ports.

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Ancillary Collocation Services

Overview of non-traditional collocation arrangements and alternatives.

Microwave Facilities
Provides Collocators with physical collocation of certain terrestrial point-to-point microwave facilities and transmission equipment for connection to their own collocated transmission equipment.

Competitive Fiber Providers (CATT)
Service allows third party fiber providers access to a shared alternate splice point, in or near a Verizon vault for the purposes of terminating CFP fiber facilities for distribution to collocation arrangements within a central office.

Interconnection Between Collocation Arrangements (DTS)
Service that can be ordered by one CLEC to connect its collocation arrangement to another CLEC's collocation arrangement or to another collocation arrangement of its own in the same Verizon central office.

Business Integrated Timing Supply (BITS)
Service makes available a connection to the Business Integrated Timing Supply (BITS) which provides a synchronized timing source for the collocator's electronic communications equipment from a central source within Verizon's network.

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