Look Up an Error Code (Order/Pre-Order)

Look Up an Error Code allows you to enter an error code number for errors that you receive when processing LSRs or Pre-Order transactions and view the business rule field associated with the error code.



  1. On the Local Service Request home page, select Order or Pre-Order in the Category field.

  2. In the LSOG field, select the LSOG number you are using.

  3. Select Current or Next and the version number.

  4. Go to the Look Up an Error Code section.

  5. In the Error Code field, enter the error code number, or enter a partial error code followed by an asterisk (*).

  6. Select .



  1. The search results for the error code display. If you entered a partial error code, all error codes that include that partial code are listed in the display.

  2. Review the search results. The error codes listed for Order can include Form Level META Edits, Field Level Edits, LNA/LNA Edits, and REQTYP/ACT/LNA Edits. The error codes listed for Pre-Order includes Field Edits (Response Codes) only.