ASR Additional Forms

The Additional forms information below is provided below as a resource for submitting Access Service Requests (ASRs). For more detailed information regarding the use of these forms, please visit the Access Business Rules.

Additional Ring Information (ARI) Form

The Additional Ring Information (ARI) is used to provide additional ordering specifications. The Ring and SALI forms may also be associated with the ARI form. >more

Additional Circuit Information (ACI) Form

The Additional Circuit Information (ACI) form is used to provide circuit specific information. When ordering a group of circuits, the ACI form is used to identify the order using the quantity field, the CKR field and the ECCKT field (for existing circuits). >more

Clarification / Notification Request (C/NR) Form

The Clarification / Notification Request (C/NR) form allows Verizon to notify you of the completion of your ASR and / or to provide status of your ASR. >more

Confirmation Notice (CN) Form

The Confirmation Notice (CN) form provides you with information that will allow you to track your order requests. >more

End Office Detail (EOD) Form

The End Office Detail (EOD) form has multiple uses. It can be used to forecast traffic, identify end offices for initial SAC code activities, identify end offices for originating traffic requests and estimate traffic distribution requirements. >more

Multiple Exchange Company (Multi EC) Form

The Multiple Exchange Company (Multi EC) form is used when access service passes through more than one provider's territory and details administrative and billing information for each provider. >more

Multi Point Service Legs (MSL) Form

The Multi Point Service Legs (MSL) form is used for new installations, changes to existing services or disconnects. >more

Network Assignment Information (NAI) Form

The Network Assignment Information (NAI) form is used when the carrier is providing intermediate connecting facility assignments, alternate facility/ACTL and /or drop port equipment assignment information. >more

Ports Configuration Form

The Ports Configuration form is used to provide port specific information. >more

Service Address Location Information (SALI) Form

The Service Address Location Information (SALI) form is used to provide service address information >more

Testing Services Request (TSR) Form

The Testing Services Request (TSR) form is used to order testing services offered in Access Tariffs and to provide end-to-end testing information. >more

Translation Questionnaire (TQ) Form

The Translation Questionnaire (TQ) form is used when local and wireless trunking and Feature Group B, C and D translations/routing are required for new, change, disconnects, activation or deactivation of CICs, SAC NXX codes or NPA/NXX codes. >more

Virtual Circuit (VC) Form

The Virtual Circuit (VC) form is used to provide additional ordering specifications. The Related Circuit Detail section is used to provide information for establishing the physical connection associated with a VC order. >more

Access Ordering -  Verizon's Web Application for Ordering, Pre-Order, and Status