Pre-Order Validation

The Pre-Order Validation information below is provided as a resource before placing an Access Service Request (ASR). These web-based tools are available to you in the Access Ordering application. Even if your company does not submit ASRs through the Access Ordering, you may still request access to Access Ordering and make us of these helpful web tools. Apply for a Access Ordering Account.

Circuit Facility Assignment (CFA) Search

The CFA Search form allows you to check if a channel of a facility is busy or spare by using CFA List, CFA Details and CFA Channel Details. >more

Service Address Validation

Service Address Validation form allows you to check the end-user address prior to submitting an access service request (ASR). The Service Address transaction allows you to perform an address validation by telephone number or service address. >more

SONET Facility

SONET Facility form search allows you to retrieve SONET Ring and Node details prior to submitting an ASR. >more


Search by circuit or two-six code (TSC) to retrieve data for a SPUNE / SWUNE ASR. >more

Access Ordering - Verizon's Web Application for Ordering, Pre-Order, and Status