Verizon Partner Solutions \
Doing Business \
Ordering Local Services
Order Forms: Port Service
Verizon East
This form is used to order Port Service. Port Service allows the end user to order an individual loop and trunk. For more details refer to the Wholesale Solutions.
Based on the type of activity indicated on the local service request
(LSR) not all forms may be required for ordering. To ensure the appropriate
forms are submitted to Verizon, refer to resource information within
Business Rules and for determining forms. The Ordering Matrix is found in Section 3.3 within the Appendix of the Order Business Rules.
The PS is sectioned to provide specific information related to the port products and services being requested:
- Administrativebasic account information, order number and telephone number
- Remarksadditional information
- Service Detailsprovides information for port services being requested including PIC, feature activity, feature codes, channel/pair assignments and blocking
Verizon provides documentation that explains how to correctly populate
the order form and the associated fields. Refer to Verizon's
Business Rules to obtain requirements.
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