< Verizon Partner Solutions | Order Forms: Centrex Resale Service Verizon West
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Order Forms: Centrex Resale Service
Verizon West
Switch Region: East West

This form is used to order Centrex Resale. Centrex Resale allows the end user a system that provides telecommunications access lines and call management features. For more details refer to the Partner Solutions Solutions.

Based on the type of activity indicated on the local service request (LSR) not all forms may be required for ordering. To ensure the appropriate forms are submitted to Verizon, refer to resource information within Verizon's Business Rules for determining forms. Once the Order and LSOG Version have been selected on the Verizon West Local Service Request Page, the Form Level META Edits (Order Matrix) can be found in the drop-down list in the Related Documents Section.

The CRS is sectioned to provide specific information related to the Centrex Resale products and services:
  • Administrative—basic account information, order number, telephone number and block indication
  • Common Block Detail—blocking information by station
  • Station Details—station details including PIC, feature details and feature codes

Verizon provides documentation that explains how to correctly populate the order form and the associated fields. Refer to Verizon's Business Rules to obtain requirements.

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Business Rules Entry
This column shows you the appropriate field entries for this Pre-Order transaction, as specified in the Verizon Pre-Order Business Rules.

Refer to Example