The Service Analyzer inquiry allows the Reseller to quote rates for the Personal Unlimited Plan (PUP) to their residence end users in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania only.
When to Use
The Service Analyzer inquiry is used to determine if the Reseller should offer their end user the PUP, which provides the end user with unlimited IntraLata toll-calling for a flat monthly rate.
To be eligible, the customer must have a minimum of three months usage data available and loaded into the Service Analyzer Database.
The PUP is available on a line-level (as opposed to account level) basis to residential customers at a single location. Where multiple lines are associated with a single Account Telephone Number (ATN),
the customer can elect to enroll one or more lines up to a maximum of five lines.
How to Complete
The required fields for submission of this inquiry are "State/Province," "Working Telephone Number," and "Letter of Authorization Indicator".
Pre-Order Samples
To help complete this Pre-Order transaction, select the reference number to view the corresponding sample that will illustrate the proper fields and valid entries for the transaction.
Responses from Verizon
The response will provide the Reseller with the following monthly rate information depending on the state that the end user's service is located:(The monthly rates returned are based on a minimum of three months usage for the telephone number provided)
- Combined Rateidentifies the monthly combined rate (Regional Toll + Local/Home Rate) for the ATN or WTN provided (NY only)
- Regional Toll/Interegion Rateidentifies the monthly regional/toll rate for the ATN or WTN entered (NJ, PA and NY)
- Local/Home Rateidentifies the monthly local/home rate for the ATN or WTN entered (NY only)