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Ordering Resale Services: DID/DOD/DIOD/PBX Services (DDPS)
Service Types | Before Completing Your Order | Completing Your Order
Product Overview

DID/DOD/DIOD/PBX SERVICE (DDPS)are services that permit incoming and out going call through a Private Branch Exchange extension, thereby bypassing the attendant or switchboard operator.

Service Types

The following service types of DID/DOD/DIOD/PBX Services (DDPS) are available:
  • DID—Direct Inward Dialing
  • DOD—Direct Outward Dialing
  • DIOD—Direct Inward and Outward Dialing
  • PBX SERVICE—Private Branch Exchange Service
Before Completing Your Order

Please gather and validate the following information prior to submission of your order.

Order Information For DID/DOD/DIOD/PBX Service (DDPS)
Action Reference
If you are provisioning new or change service determine a valid due date for your order. Resale Intervals (East)pdf file
To ensure accurate order submission and E911 database updates determine valid service address for the end user. Obtain accurate information from the end user and validate by using the appropriate Pre-Order transaction. Address Validation/TN Reservation Pre-Order Sample (East)
Determine other order information by completing the appropriate Pre-Order transaction for your order activity type. Order Activities and Pre-Order Transactions
Gather accurate service ordering codes. Universal Service Offering Codes (USOCs) (East)
Provide the correct TOS (type of service) for the specific service being requested. Verizon's Business Rules

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Completing Your Order

DID/DOD/DIOD/PBX Service (DDPS) "REQTYP" (requisition type) provided on the LSR is "NB".

Verizon's Business Rules provide complete explanations of how to populate order forms with valid entries.

Consult the local tariff for DID/DOD/DIOD/PBX specifications.

Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) is available to Business and Government end users. It is not valid on Residential Accounts. It is ordered by populating the "TSP" field with an authorization code. A TSP Authorization Code is assigned to the end user by the Office of Priority Telecommunications. A separate unique TSP Authorization Code is required for each service or circuit ID. Separate codes are required for each segment or location of a multi-point circuit. It is the responsibility of the end user to obtain the code and provide to their local service provider.

Number Portability - Direct Inward Dial (DID) numbers

Verizon East- NY/NE, NPD, MDV regions: All provisioning steps associated with porting (Local Number Portability - LNP) of DID telephone numbers are coordinated with the Regional CLEC Coordination Center (RCCC) at 1-800-888-0093, option 5.

When submitting LSRs for DID number porting, CLECs must signify the appropriate Desired-Frame-Down-Time (DFDT) for when the port is scheduled and translations release would be needed during normal business hours (i.e. M-F 8 AM to 5 PM ET), with all work being completed by 6:30pm ET.

RCCC technicians will call the Implementation Contact number provided on the LSR on the Due Date (DD) to advise CLEC customers that a DID number port is scheduled on that DD. Calls not returned by 6:30 PM ET, or orders that don't receive a call consenting to translations release, will be pushed out to the end of the current year and a SUP will be required on the LSR to 're-date' the orders.

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