Number Portability - Direct Inward Dial (DID) numbers
Verizon East- NY/NE, NPD, MDV regions: All provisioning steps associated with porting (Local Number Portability - LNP) of DID telephone numbers are coordinated with the Regional CLEC Coordination Center (RCCC) at 1-800-888-0093, option 5.
When submitting LSRs for DID number porting, CLECs must signify the appropriate Desired-Frame-Down-Time (DFDT) for when the port is scheduled and translations release would be needed during normal business hours (i.e. M-F 8 AM to 5 PM ET), with all work being completed by 6:30pm ET.
RCCC technicians will call the Implementation Contact number provided on the LSR on the Due Date (DD) to advise CLEC customers that a DID number port is scheduled on that DD. Calls not returned by 6:30 PM ET, or orders that don't receive a call consenting to translations release, will be pushed out to the end of the current year and a SUP will be required on the LSR to 're-date' the orders.