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Ordering UNE Services: Loop Service with Number Portability
Service Types | Before Completing Your Order | Completing Your Order
Product Overview

Loop Service with Number Portability provides CLECs who have their own switch a loop or connection to their end user location. The CLEC provides the dial tone and switching service. Verizon supplies the outside facilities to transport the service to the end user. This allows the end user to retain the same telephone number regardless of the chosen local service provider.

Service Types

The following type of Loop Service with Number Portability is available:
  • Loop Service with Number Portability
  • Loop Share with Number Portability
Before Completing Your Order

Please gather and validate the following information prior to submission of your Loop Service with Number Portability order.

Order Information for Loop Service with Number Portability:
Action Reference
Line Share/Line Split service is not eligible for Migrations. The end user would need to contact their Local Service Provider to have the Line Share/Line Split service removed prior to Migrating an account. Customer Service Record Information (East)
If you are provisioning new or change service determine a valid due date for your order. UNE Intervals (East)xls file
Identify the appropriate blocking to be applied to the account if you are ordering a block on an end user account. See Appendix in Verizon's Business Rules (East)
To ensure accurate order submission and E911 database updates determine valid service address for the end user. Obtain accurate information from the end user and validate by using the appropriate Pre-Order transaction. Address Validation/TN Reservation Pre-Order Sample (East)
Determine other order information by completing the appropriate Pre-Order transaction for your order activity type. Order Activities and Pre-Order transactions
Gather accurate service ordering codes. Universal Service Offering Codes (USOCs) (East)
Service Code Online Report (SCORE) (West)
Provide the correct TOS (type of service) for the specific service being requested. Verizon's Business Rules
Determine the cable and pair location (building and unit number) on the termination point bay (POT) associated with each Loop Service with Number Portability. Verizon's Business Rules
Determine position and jack information on House and Riser service. Verizon's Business Rules

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Completing Your Order

Loop Service with Number Portability "REQTYP" (requisition type) provided on the LSR is "BB".

Provide the correct Network Channel (NC), Network Channel Interfaces (NCI) and Secondary Network Channel Interface (SECNCI) codes. Services cannot be provisioned unless the correct NC/NCI codes are provided.
  • These codes identify the physical and electronic characteristics of the circuit and need to correspond with the "TOS" entered on the LSR.
  • NC/NCI and SECNCI codes are Telcordia standard and are located at, Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
  • Verizon Business Rules provides product specific codes.
Facilities are provided subject to the availability on a first-come first-serve basis in the requested central office. If facilities are not available when requested, the CLEC will be notified by a jeopardy report. In response to the jeopardy report, the CLEC may choose to cancel the order or postpone the date until facilities are available.

When requesting a new or move of a network interface device (NID), review Verizon's Business Rules for appropriate usage and values of the NIDR field.

When placing an order it is essential to format the circuit information correctly according to the specific Verizon Business Rules.

The term "Hot Cut" is used to describe the near-simultaneous disconnection of a Verizon working loop from a port on one carrier's switch, and the reconnection of that loop to a port on a different carrier's switch, without any significant out of service period. Additional ordering information can be found in the UNE Order Samples.

Provide Collocation in central office 48 hours prior to Loop Service being installed.

If all numbers are not being ported, unwanted numbers can be disconnected.

Common Language Circuit Identification (CLCI) is an industry standard method of assigning circuit numbers. There are two standard formats for circuit number identification, Serial Number and Telephone Number format.
  • The Serial Number format should be used when the circuit cannot be immediately identified as a telephone number.
  • The Telephone Number format will be used only on those circuits that are directly connected to dial tone.

The ten digit trigger field is optional in the East.

The Conversion of Special Access to Unbundled Loop process is located in the Conversion Guidelinespdf file.

The ten digit trigger field is optional in the East.

Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) is available to Business and Government end users. It is not valid on Residential Accounts. It is ordered by populating the "TSP" field with an authorization code. A TSP Authorization Code is assigned to the end user by the Office of Priority Telecommunications. A separate unique TSP Authorization Code is required for each service or circuit ID. Separate codes are required for each segment or location of a multi-point circuit. It is the responsibility of the end user to obtain the code and provide to their local service provider.

When disconnecting a Loop Account and retaining the directory listings as a separate Fictitious Listing, the account will be modified to be a Standalone Directory Listing account. To establish a Standalone Directory Listing please see Ordering Directory Services - Directory Listing.

Loop Share is a product where a VLEC purchases a UNE Loop from Verizon (DSL qualified), and uses the loop to provide voice traffic from the VLEC's voice switch (via a Co-location arrangement) and data traffic from the DLEC's data switch (via a Co-location arrangement). The following information is needed to order Loop Share:

  • For the "REQTYP" (requisition type), "ACT" (activity), "SLI" (sub-loop indicator) and "LNA" (line activity) for Loop Share see the chart below.

  • NC/NCI codes are Telcordia standard and are located at Telcordia Technologies, Inc.

  • The Loop Share is billed to the voice provider, who is considered to be "owner" of the DSL-capable UNE loop

  • The second character of the "TOS" (type of service) for Loop Share must be "F."

  • When migrating to Loop Share the existing DLEC must be the same for all circuits. Only the VLEC will be allowed to place the migration order. For migration from existing data, the VLEC will be prohibited from changing the "CFA" {Connecting Facility Assignment (SECLOC Details)} information. The "CFA" information is derived from the CSR.

  • The "APPTIME" (appointment time) is only valid for Line Share and Loop Share orders when inside work is requested at the end user's premises.

  • The voice CLEC and the data CLEC are responsible for maintaining a cross referenced list of the circuit ID (CLS format) associated with the Loop Sharing arrangement. This is important as either the voice or data provider may call in troubles on this shared loop.

  • The LSR will carry applicable USOC's/IOSCs for services requested on DSL Premise Services (DSLPS) for Line Sharing and Loop Sharing.
    Type of Migrations TOS 2nd Character = "F", SLI = "S" and
    Line Share to Loop Share with Number Portability REQTYP BB, ACT V, LNA V
    Line Share to Loop Share without Number Portability REQTYP AB, ACT V, LNA V
    Line Split to Loop Share with Number Portability REQTYP BB, ACT V, LNA V
    Disconnect REQTYP AB, LNA D, ACT D
    New Installation REQTYP AB, LNA N, ACT N
On a Shared Loop, where the Telephone Number and Facility is ported and the existing data (DSL) is being disconnected, the porting CLEC must have a Dual LOA (Letter of Authorization) on file to allow treatment of both the data and the voice on the same LSR. Notification will be sent to both the losing VLEC and DLEC through the Provider Notification process. On the LSR, the REQTYP = BB and the AGAUTH field should be populated with "Z."

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