Billing for Local Services, West
Billing Systems
Bill Format & Delivery
Summary Bill Master
How to Read Your Bill
BAN Structure
Inquiries, Claims & Adjustments
Collections Process
Tax Exemptions by State
Daily Usage Files (DUFs)
CABS BOS Bill Data Tape Record
Access Billing Process Flow
Regional Definitions
Billing Account Number (BAN) Structure
Verizon West
BAN Structure for CBSS (BOS formatting only)

Summary account numbers and fictitious summary telephone numbers are established in order to bill a CLEC for their resale (Q), facility (N), and port/platform (J) lines of business end-user accounts in CBSS. Residential and business end-users are summarized under one set (B) while government end-users are summarized another (G).

The fictitious telephone numbers are used as the BANS for these summary bills. Three 0's are added to the end of the fictitious telephone number to create a BAN number.

Example: TN: 999-197-1234 BAN: 999 197-1234 0000