AccOrd/EXACT System Availability

Saturday, Sunday, Holidays
ASR files received between:
05:00 am and 09:00 pm (Eastern) are loaded upon receipt.
09:00 pm and 05:00 am (Eastern) are loaded during the next business day 05:00 am batch cycle.
ASR files are accepted but are processed in AccOrd the next business day.
EXACT - East
ASR files received between:
05:00 am and 11:00 pm (Eastern) are loaded upon receipt.
11:00 pm and 05:00 am (Eastern) are loaded the next day 05:00 am batch cycle.

Customers can request a maximum of four transmission times per day within the available hours.
Saturday - One batch cycle at 05:00 am
Sunday/Holidays - No processing.
EXACT - West
ASR files received between:
05:00 am and 09:00 pm (Eastern) are loaded upon receipt.
09:00 pm and 05:00 am (Eastern) are loaded during the next business day 05:00 am batch cycle.

Customers can choose their own transmit times based on their business needs.
No processing.