Getting Started Service Decisions: Specials

Requirements Network

Access Services Subscription Services    
Special   1 of 2 (Access Services)

Special Access Service is a dedicated private line service that provides a connection between

1) an end-user customer and a Carrier,
2) two Carriers, or
3) two end-user customers.

The service can be connected through a Serving Wire Center (SWC) or be routed through a Verizon hub where bridging or multiplexing functions are performed. Special Access includes DS0s, DS1s (T1s), DS3s (T3s), and SONET. These circuits can be either analog (voice) or digital. Frequency spectrum and bandwidth differentiate analog connections; digital connections are differentiated by bit rate.

Special Access Basic Configurations

Special Access Services has two basic configurations:
1) Two-point service connects two customer-designated premises either on a directly connected basis or through a hub where multiplexing functions are performed.

2) Multi-point service connects three or more premises through a hub (bridging location).

Special Access Rate Categories
1)Channel Termination or Subscriber Access Line (SAL) is a single charge per termination and includes the standard channel interface and any recurring and non-recurring charges.

2) Channel Mileage/Circuit Mileage or Transport includes the transmission facilities between the SWC associated with two customer -designated premises. For each band of mileage a per-airline-mile-rate is applied. Fixed rates and Transport Termination may also apply.

3) Optional features and functions such as signaling capability, hubbing features, conditioning and transfer arrangements may be added to improve the quality or utility to meet customers’ specific requirements.

4) Verizon West Circuit Termination known as Special Access Line (SAL) is the rate category that provided for the path between a customer designated premise and the SWC of that premise.

Verizon Wholesale has a portfolio of solutions to complement Special Access. For more information on additional offerings, visit Verizon's Wholesale Solutions pages.
