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Ordering Resale Services: Resale Private Line
Service Types | Before Completing Your Order | Completing Your Order
Product Overview

Resale Private Line provides the end user with a dedicated private line. Private Line circuits are considered pipes that are dedicated to specific points of termination. Circuits are available in different sizes and speeds.

Service Types
The following service type(s) of Resale Private Line are available:
  • Digital Data Service (DDS)
  • Flexpath/Digital handoff, Verizon East
  • Foreign Exchange (FX)
  • Superpath DS1, Verizon East
  • Switched 56 K, Verizon East
Before Completing Your Order

Please gather and validate the following information prior to submission of your order.

Order Information for Resale Private Line:
Action Reference
If you are provisioning new or change service determine a valid due date for your order. Resale Intervals (East)pdf file
Appointment Scheduling Inquiry
Identify the appropriate blocking to be applied to the account if you are ordering a block on an end user account. See Appendix in Verizon's Business Rules (East)
Verizon's Blocking Options (West)
To ensure accurate order submission and E911 database updates determine valid service address for the end user. Obtain accurate information from the end user and validate by using the appropriate Pre-Order transaction. Address Validation/TN Reservation Pre-Order Sample (East)
Address Validation Inquiry Pre-Order Sample (West)
Determine other order information by completing the appropriate Pre-Order transaction for your order activity type. Order Activities and Pre-Order Transactions
Gather accurate service ordering codes. Universal Service Offering Codes (USOCs) (East)
Service Code Online Report (SCORE) (West)
Provide the correct TOS (type of service) for the specific service being requested. Verizon's Business Rules

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Completing Your Order

Resale Private Line "REQTYP" (requisition type) provided on the LSR is "KB".

Provide the correct Network Channel (NC), Network Channel Interfaces (NCI) and Secondary Network Channel Interface (SECNCI) codes. Services cannot be provisioned unless the correct NC/NCI codes are provided.
  • These codes identify the physical and electronic characteristics of the circuit and need to correspond with the "TOS" entered on the LSR.
  • NC/NCI and SECNCI codes are Telcordia standard and are located at, Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
Resale Private Line is provided subject to the availability of facilities on a first-come first-serve basis in the requested central office. If facilities are not available when a Resale Private Line is requested, the CLEC will be notified via jeopardy. In response to the jeopardy, the CLEC may choose to cancel the order or postpone the date until facilities are available.

When requesting a new or move of a network interface device (NID), review for appropriate usage and values of the NIDR field.

When placing an order it is essential to format the circuit information correctly according to the specific Verizon Business Rules.

The CLEC must provide CFA cable facilities location for the carrier system being connected.

Common Language Circuit Identification (CLCI) is an industry standard method of assigning circuit numbers. There are two standard formats for circuit number identification, Serial Number and Telephone Number format.
  • The Serial Number format should be used when the circuit cannot be immediately identified as a telephone number.
  • The Telephone Number format will be used only on those circuits that are directly connected to dial tone.

The Resale Private Line form must include all primary and secondary terminal locations of the circuit. When a CLEC orders multiple points to a circuit the PRILOC, and SECLOC information must be placed in the correct fields on additional Resale Private Line forms.

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